Carson City
Small Cell Wireless in Public Right-of-Way
Placement of Small Cell Wireless Equipment in Carson City Right-of-Way
As wireless communication technology continues to advance, wireless service providers are working to expand 5G networks throughout the United States and in Carson City. This requires the deployment of small cell technology (small cell wireless equipment) which will make up the infrastructure of 5G networks and help provide better wireless service coverage throughout the City. Small cell wireless equipment (SCWE) are installed and operated by private wireless service providers. Carson City is required by federal law to allow SCWE in the County maintained right-of-way with certain requirements and limitations.
Any proposed placement of SCWE in Carson City right-of-way requires an executed Master License Agreement, adherence to the City’s Small Cell Policy, payment of applicable fees, and an approved building permit.
Policy for Placement of Small Cell Wireless Equipment in Carson City Right-of-Way
Site Reservation
Prior to applying for a small cell building permit, applicants have the option to reserve up to 10 potential install sites on specific City-owned pole locations. Applicants may view City-owned poles and make reservation requests via an online GIS application.
Major Project Review
Applicants may also take advantage of Carson City’s Major Project Review (MPR), a non-mandatory pre-application review process, to obtain feedback about Applicant’s proposed location, plans, or installation. The MPR application and information about the process may be obtained from the planning department or at:
Building Permits
Submit for small cell building permit here:
Online Portal - Submit Your Building Permit Application Online
Carson City Development Engineering Division
108 E. Proctor St.
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2300